Thursday, August 28, 2008

Aliza- Oh how we love you!

Josie just said to me this morning.. "Momma..only thing wrong is -we just need another baby!" Oh ? Why is that Josie? "Well Auntie Ginger is having another baby and we just need another one too!"
No baby could fill the spot that our whole family has in our hearts for our Aliza Jane. She is fun, sweet, and so CUTE in our opinion. She now loves to SQUEAL! She loves her THUMB! and She loves her MOMMY! Lucky me!... she is at the stage now that if she is in her exer-saucer and she catches a glimpse of me run past the doorway (because now I try to avoid this happening) she squeals and starts to cry with those chubby lil hands in the air. She rolls front to back and back to front and grabs anything you are eating or drinking. I have taught her to sip my herbal tea and water from a glass. This was a bad idea I know. She has tasted Cucumber and raw apple or watermelon. She sucked the watermelon to half its size before I took it away. She went to the Shaklee Convention in New Orleans with me and both Grandmas... this above was her makeshift bed at the hotel ... two chairs pushed together and her sound machine.
I am loving every stage she has been through and I can't help but hope that I have at least one more opportunity to do this all over again. (I share your opinion Josie!)

Dog sitting a Puppy named Sofie

Our puppy for 1 week. Josie and Xander loved her. They are waiting to get another dog sometime, but in the mean time its nice to borrow one every once in a while. :)

We End the Summer with a Fish Story

Here's the last big Fish story of the summer. Xander caught one of the big cat fish that hang out at the neighbors dock... they love bread that we feed them and hot dogs we use for bait! Anyway this one weighed 6 pounds. Dan was called because he was so big the reel that Xander has on his rod would keep slipping and not reel him in. he was sorta hard to land on the rocks but soon everyone got a close look at him. A few min later Josie caught this lil bass. Fun! We were glad Daddy was home to see Xander's big catch. He also caught the 6 pound bass too this summer. (It broke his rod.)