Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Everyday Life

Dog sitting Scout.  Aliza helping to make Banana bread. Yes, that is multiple eggs on the floor.

Aliza loving on Cooper with bread dough on her hands.
Mommy feeling sorry for the kids who so badly want a pet. We have to settle on a hamster for the time being. the Hamster escaped within 1 hour of having her and the next days were spent trying to find her.Aliza wandered around with a flash light and looked under all the desks and bookshelves calling "Mou? MOU? mou GONE!"  2 times over. :)
Xander shooting nerf darts and Aliza fetching them is a great game.

Florida in Feb. (for Valentines Day)

Xander got to do something he has waited for for a long time. THey went fishing off the east coast of Florida. he caught 17 sea bass. We stayed at a 3 bedroom town home with a heated pool in the back yard. It was great. Daddy went and got certified to spray foam and we got to hang out with Grandma Betty in Orlando.  here Cooper was really fussy.. and he hasn't a swimming suit yet but he loved the pool... but Aliza was not to be left out so we made 100 laps around that 15 foot sq pool. :) :)holding both. All the way down to Sebring and we got a quick visit in with Uncle Don and Aunt Jean at the SIM mission. The golf cart is one of the things that go hand in hand with the mission and its always a treat for the kids. I guess Dan and kids got to see what they think is the cougar that is seen from time to time. They all got one of the best looks at this huge cat that Uncle Don has ever seen. this was the end of our stay and we left grandma and traveled 3 days home with a very impatient Aliza who at times terrorized the back seat and her brother Xander who had to sit between the two sisters.
Valentines Day with Red Jello/ Pink Mashed potatoes, and napkin love notes to each with a chocolate.