Saturday, October 9, 2010

Soccer --- #3 Orange Tigers

Xander has really enjoyed playing Soccer at the Christian Youth Center this fall... 8 weeks. It's mostly a mommy thing with the kids (because Daddy is building our new homestead).  I am proud to say this (sometimes) exausted Mommy hasn't missed practice or a game yet. Wed practice and Sat 10am games. Its fun because we get to see our freinds the Larsons (Ellie and Grace are Josie's friends and Nathan (most of the time) :) is Aliza's ball buddy.) This family has been fun to get to know and Xander is so glad Mr Larson is his coach!
The Larson Boys work well together- Caleb, Seth and Noah are the best on the team. Now I must toot my sons horn too.. Xander scored the tie breaking point  in the last few min of the game last Sat. "and the crowd  (or at least this mommy) WENT WILD! " That is so far the only game we have won as a team. I am proud of him!

Cooper is walking!

I never know exactly when to count the first step but Cooper made his first step into his Uncle Gregs arms the night we got the llama.. and he had been walking with his walk toy quite a bit before then. Tonight he repeatedly stands and walks a few steps and bends down to pick up a heavy toy and takes a few more steps and and boom on his bum he goes. He reguarly walks 7 or 8 steps at a time now. :) Where did my baby go?

and one Llama !!!!

HERSHEY What a pretty boy you are! The idea is that the Greg's dog, LADY will keep the coyotes at bay outside the fence but the llama should protect the sheep some if the coyotes get into the fence. He is so sweet... his name was buddy and we decided to rename him because he is all brown and chocolate colored. All the kids want to led him and he tolerates it mostly.. now if the sheep will accept him... they still are a bit crabby with him (especially IKE)


We are going to try our hand at raising a few sheep.. yes to eat.. and a bit of wool maybe. This was a very exciting day and makes the trips down to the farm now really special because these are "our sheep" and No one loves them more than I and Aliza. They came home from Portage Wis. in the back of Greg's Pick up truck. And with the help of the 3 strand fence Dan strung and a car battery and jumper cable thingies to connect the two we have a pasture full of our first 14 sheep. the ram IKE... the two favorite friendly ewes are Amber and Mona (both Hair sheep) Wendy and Dolly are our older wooly ewes. Appache is the hair sheep that is tri colored and 1/2 Painted Desert hair sheep.
I LOVE IT .. My Husband is quite a well read up - and good shepherd already! they are his Thing but I am really enjoying them too!