Saturday, September 15, 2007


Mommy made cakes to celebrate the kids birthdays in Min... Josie turned 3 a few days ago and had the same Raggy Ann cake to celebrate in Il.
At the Party we let everyone know our Good News that we are going to have a baby in March Lord willing.
Uncle Chad got Xander to help with the Dirty Job of Cleaning up "YOU KNOW WHAT" in the horse pasture.

Uncles, Aunties, and Horses

Here's our Uncles and Aunties in Min... We got to see Aunt Tammy ride barrels in the Rodeo. Her horse was Poppey and they finished within the top 4 that day (I think.) She and Uncle Chad almost always have popsicles in the freezer for us and we look forward to that everytime we go visit them.

Uncle Cody and Auntie Jen have lots of horses too! As the Horse Ferrier and the Large Animal Vet Assistant they make quite a pair. We usually get to ride horses at one of my Uncle's houses. Josie was sorta a ham when it came to Uncle Cody this time.. (Corse it wouldn't have anything to do with Him calling her "My lil' sweetheart"... :)