Saturday, March 28, 2009


Today a candle burned on our dining room table all day. Beside it a tiny, hand-crocheted, pair of yellow booties that were given to me after our miscariage 6 years ago today. I like to do this every year to remember and respect that little life- no matter how short it was. I never blow out the rememberance candle but let it burn out itself. Today I misjudged the candle size and it will go out sometime tonight ... slipping away without hardly anyone noticing, similar to the life of our child.
Today we remember how fagile life is. We remember our little one who couldn't be with us.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Josie and her Horses

Josie loves to comb and attend to her Julia (white) , Hershey(Chestnut) and Poppy(black). Xander sometimes helps her. These are some of Josie's favorite toys. She recently recieved this dress from her Auntie Ginger. It's her flannel cowgirl dress.

The dog called CHEVY

We had someone stop and tell me she picked up a stray on Black Rd and was told it belonged to our subdivision. She was late for an appointment and was this my dog? I looked and said she didn't look familiar. She begged me to keep the dog for now and look into the matter for her. What could I say? So this dog came into my house and the kids doted upon her. We made a sign for the RD saying DOG FOUND and our phone... and 5 hrs later we recieved a phone call from the gruff farmer 1/2 mile away. The kids were very sad to see the dog go. the owner said her name was named CHEVY. Well yesterday we look out on our back deck and guess who came to visit again! The kids were thrilled! In she came (I know shame on us..) We put her out many times telling her to go home but finally we had brought her back to the farmer.
Josie came to the door and blurted if we could keep her and the farmer said "Well, tell you what-next time she runs to your house you can keep her for the day." Josie was thrilled and shouted a "YES!"
I looked at the man and said "Mister, I think she will hold you to that promise! he just laughed...
Josie keeps checking the back porch for her Chevy to come back to us!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Aliza Turns ONE!

Aliza turned one on march 15th! After church, we made her the Sheepie Birthday Cake (the same one [frosted in whipcream and marshmellows instead of frosting] her Brother and sister celebrated their 1st birthday with). Transporting it to the farm at Uncle Greg and Aunt Ginger's to celebrate with a big meal. She ate her cake and clapped and then needed to be undressed because of the mess.
We also got to tell everyone that Aliza will (LORD willing) be a big sister come next Fall. :)
We love you Aliza Jane! You have been our sunshine in this rough year. You are our very own little gift from God.