Sunday, December 12, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

We are thankful for so much but I wanted to say I am very specifically Thankful for family that is close.. close enough to give a helping hand, close enough to share their home with, close enough to play with. It has been a huge blessing to have Ginger and Greg so close and so willing to open their home to us so we have a base from which we can work on our house on. Dan spends many nights there and occationally we all will join him for the overnight.  The cousins are close and enjoy the time we spend together. I think the whole thing has brought brothers and sister-in-laws closer. It has been one of the biggest blessings this last year. (above Ginger just got the girls matching dresses from Lands End. She bought the largest size for Liz and the tiniest size for Sophia). (second: Will was having asthma and Cooper was overtired and hungry)

(dress up with all Auntie Gingers Thrift Store finds!)

Boo Boo

Applesauce Time!

The Day after Cooper's Birthday Party (his real Birthday was celebrated at Lisa Baffa's house while we were house sitting [See fall pictures]) we made applesauce all day! It's a LONG day and even Longer when You are the momma to a 1 yr old who wants to get into everything! -But it is all worth it in the end and a very important part of the Rosenquist year. To Quote Liz "Its almost more as important than Thanksgiving in the Rosenquist Family!" Cooper got into the 12 # bag baking soda/ The 5 Gal of applesauce once or twice/ The vinegar bucket/ And several Cupboards. But who could be upset with this face!

Our Cooper is ONE!~

This year the "sheepie cake" meant a bit more... We actually talk about the sheep everyday now and Cooper and Aliza love to check on them when we are at the farm often!  Every child of ours has had that as their 1st cake. Fankly this year I would have prefered buy a cake from the store but I knew I would regret it. Whip Cream frosting with a bit of fructose and mini marshmellows. Cooper seemed to love it and was proud of his messy face that told the fate of the piece I gave him. That's OUR BOY! I am so glad GOD gave us such a happy healthy baby. Such an easy going nature. What a gift you were to all of us!