Friday, July 6, 2007

Bike Trip #3 (17.5 miles)

We started in Morris June 29 (where we started last time) and went the other direction to Seneca & Marseilles. Again it was 11 miles to the nearest water and toilets. We still followed the canal on one side but there were farms with sheep, corn, and soybeans on the other often. Hardly any wildlife except the tiny toad (the size of my thumb nail) that Josie played with in the back of the cart. In the first picture "Our Knight" in his Blue Truck comes to rescue us and buys us supper! What a man! The Kids and I waited for him in a small park in Marseilles.
Xander was speedy this time and I am not sure if it was that he had more air in his tires or the Cor energy supplement I gave him that contained Green Tea and Ginseng! After our ride... He actually ran laps when we stopped at the outside diner and did Jumping Jacks as he waited for Dan to bring him his corn dog! CRAZY KID!
The 2nd picture is a sign that has pretty accurately documented our travels.. we started at Brandon Rd in Rockdale the first trip and have hit every destination through Marseilles... 48 miles to date!

Bike Trip #2 (18.5 Miles)

Just 2 days after trip one on June 6th , we packed up again; going only one way from Morris to the place we ended last time in Channahon where Dan picked us up. What a welcome sight he was after 18.5 miles and pulling not only the bike cart with all our stuff in ...but the last mile I also pulled Xander and his bike (with a bungie cord, see photo) due to some floppy handle bars. We were so ready to call it quits. It took us 5-6 hrs total and that includes the stop at the park with the pitcher pump... the turtle holding...Picture taking (Josie took the one of Xander and I)... and the tree we had to overcome across the path due to the wind storm the night before. Xander had to refuel with Performance every .5 mile or so and Nana was in and out of the cart so progress is pretty slow (and that doesn't even mention the emergency Big Job Potty we had to do in the woods) We also came across a huge tree with a huge hole in that fit Xander, Nana, and Josie in. At this point we have gone 30+ miles on the I&M canal Bike Path.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Bike Trip #1 (12+ Miles)

I decided that we should make a project out of biking the area bike path through the many surrounding towns, one section at a time. I was determined to get a few pages Scrapbooked within a few days with our photos, documentation, map, and stats. This one took us from Rockdale -Joliet and into Channahon. Where we turned around and went back. 12.28 miles.
Xander has just learned to ride bike this April and tires easily but was quite a trooper. As in the middle photo he pulled his feet up to rest on the bike bar in a shady spot and he says "huhhh, My legs are just out of energy again.. I need some Performance (a sports drink w/ electrolytes in) " It took up all afternoon but we had a good time seeing all the canal animal life (2 kinds of turtles, hissing geese with their babies, carp, and once Xander slammed on his breaks and I very nearly did not stop in time to avoid an accident... he did this to show me "the Most beautiful bird ever!" After a slight scolding I told him that was called a Red Wing Black Bird.) We brought these children's field guides and identified many Flowers and berries.
Josie had Nana 1/2 the time in the bike cart... the other half I was encouraging her to keep up with a leash beside my bike. Josie fell asleep 1/2 mile from the car.
It was a good first ride... We averaged 2-3 miles per hour... not great stats but WE DID IT!