Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Josie is Our Child Who...

Let me see if I can attempt to capture some of our Josie's personality in 20 min:
  • Some of my favorite Josie-isms? "What again?" (when she wants you to repeat something.) "I just can't know" when you ask her something she is unable to answer. She didn't say her own name until she was almost 3. She would just shake her head and say "no, too hard". When she was younger she didn't talk much until she was almost 2 1/2. Her first word she said alot when she started talking was "yeth"(yes) with a nod. When you asked her almost any question. You would have had to be there to appreciate why this was so endearing. She loves to play "pluto" (Playdough).. she calls her shoulders "shirtles".. and she has been recently been catching fish with her "fishing pool" (instead of pole)... she gave Xander his nick name of "Ya-ya" long ago. He called himself "Za-za" but she couldn't pronounce it and everyone began to call Xander Ya-ya like she did.
  • She has always loved to be skin to skin... as a toddler she would pull my neck line down in public and nestle her cheek on the skin on my lower neck. When she crawls in bed with me she would lay my hand out and lay her cheek in my hand and fall asleep that way. she loves to cuddle cheek to cheek. When she does crawl in bed with me she is a snuggle bug! Every inch I give up- she follows... and we end both end up on Dan's side. She likes to take Sunday naps on Dan's chest still.
  • She has been sort of a Mommy's girl until recently. Now she loves Daddy time and is about as close to Dan as me.
  • the naughty things she has done? cut her hair. put lipstick on my couch repeatedly (4? times). marker on the wall. and I am not so happy about the 4 changes a day she goes through presently which i keep saying I will stop soon.
  • things I will look back on and smile? the way if she does have an accident in bed at night she strips off her bottoms and throws them in the bathroom and I find her on my side of the bed with me (half naked). I actually prefer this method to the alternative of changing wet sheets in the middle of the night and retucking her in... her 12 tiny freckles on her nose.
  • she loves the swing downstairs. tea parties with her kitchen set downstairs. dressing her dollies in Aliza's clothes. dresses. legos. fingernail polish. bathes. pool time. carbo crunch bars. singing her little Josie songs, dancing for an audience.. she then cutries and we clap. She loves blush and lipgloss. She picks up every worm she finds with a "awww Mommy I want to keep this lil worm OK? "
  • she is very good at making everyone smile.. she says "You the best mommy (daddy or Zanner) in 'HOLE WOORLD!" ... and she is good at making her letters and I was surprised that she knew how to spell mom on the pics she drew me in the days I was recovering from 'Liza birth.
  • she hates? her hair combed through (a lot of the "O-w-w" word). the sashes tied on her dresses. wet shoes. wet clothes. and most tights.
  • Lately I ask her why she appears and doesn't have a shirt on and she replies... "Momma Xander and I are just playing Indians! Indians DON'T wear shirts!" I was about to argue with her but then Opening my mouth I decided that she had a point:) and let her... now I tell her GIRL Indians DO WEAR SHIRTS.
  • She is not scared of heights*her daddy pushes her on the swing with her yelling, "Fly like a bird, Daddy! Higher!". She is tough- Not One to cry when she falls down. She is sweet. Eager to help out and share her things. Quite outgoing. and she is quite the tease too! She is the perfect lil' girl for us!


Anonymous said...

Oh, Taunya how cute. You just have a way with words! What fun to read all about Josie!

Andrea said...

What good pictures of you and Josie! I love that you wrote your memories of Josie at this age--things that make you smile, words she says, naughty things etc. You're so good at this! And what a treasure for Josie!

Anonymous said...

Oh what a sweet little babe Josie is. A real jewel. No other Josie in the woorld ;o)How grateful we are for such a precious little soul in our world. you are truely blessed Dan and Taunya! If this Grandma could order Grandkids like a meal I would surely take an even dozen!I feel so rich having such special grandkids, so kind, cute, clever and loving! And when we got Josie we sure did get an anmial lover (after my own heart) and a sweet sensitive loving little jewel! Everyone of us moms reading this I am sure recall our special little favorite things about our little ones. It makes us all a little envious and we want to be you for awhile and collect some of those close cuddly times! I am first in line when you decide to share! Precious little girls learn from loving parents and YOU are a loving parent Taunya. You can hear it loud and clear in your blog! Love Your Proud MOM, Josie's Grandma