Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Moving to a different Country!? Election 2008

Xander was sitting on the couch at 8:30pm and watching the votes come in… I could hear his dad say “Now Son we have to have a good attitude… it's not going to do any good to pout about it”… and then I could hear Xander say “Well -if that Obama gets in I am just going to move to a different Country!” (he mentioned somewhere in South America at supper) His dad assured him that no one was going to move anywhere. But when Grandma Betty was on the phone and I told her with a chuckle and she said ” You grab that sweet boy and give him a hug and tell him 'Grandma is moving with him!' ”
I asked Dan, “You are going to stay home till Xander is awake tomorrow, announce who one and what our attitudes needed to be right?! It was more of a statement than a question.

So tomorrow is here now and we told him... he took it better than I imaginned but Josie who was listening said "Did the 'BLUE guys' win?" I explained to her the Blue guys did win but we as a family wanted the RED guys to win... and she said "No- I didn't! I wanted the BLUE Guys to win!" and ran away saying, "I won! I won! "
Dan then told me IT WAS A FACT... as she sat there and she and Xander discussed the election and Xander's Preferences on the next president of the US... she informed him if he was voting for RED she was voting for BLUE! you see she had to pick the opposite of the rest of the family. What Children I have! :) :)

Well Obama You had one supporter in this household.. I hope you don't let your 4 yr old supporter down!


Anonymous said...

Ah yes, we are in for an adjustment, but I guess we will have to stick around! :) Aren't kids fun!

Anonymous said...

Well, hopefully we won’t HAVE TO leave the country! When you dialogue with African believers who have come here to the U.S., they are not excited either. Some of them came here to escape rogue leaders who have Muslim names.