Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Am I Going to Remember?

Am I going to remember... doing Xander's phonograms with him and how ough says six different things?
...The way he remembers aw and au as "awwww that we may not use at the end of English words" and he says it with this terrible pout complete with his lip out and grin after
...And how today he was really getting all of them right and I said "I can't believe how smart you are!" And he held his sides laughing and said that he could see though my paper because I was sitting in front of the window! ? I am proud of him he is reading really smoothly now.

Am I going to remember.. How Aliza zooms around like a crab (sideways like) and we all jump out of her way (sometimes doing half splits) to prevent her from running over our feet or ankle tendon? .
...Her little shoes with the squeakers in?
... How she says "mom-ma" now... And how she smelled of chicken noodle soup all afternoon (we did take care of that with a bath after supper in the sink as we washed the kitchen up) :)?

Am I going to remember.. How these two have became good friends? ...How Josie wants to marry Xander when she is older? and Xander explains, "You can't marry cousins or sisters! because you will have weak babies."
...How Josie ALWAYS wants to do school too? and I am not ready to put the investment of time it takes to teach her Phonograms or to write in cursive. How I want to tell her you are only four! NEXT YEAR we will do spelling tests with you but not now.
... How they play animal kingdom and Xander is her Beaver.. or they build airplanes out of Lincoln Logs and for Army formations of regiments? How unlikely is that combination?


Anonymous said...

How sweet! You are so good at recording memories, that if you forget you can just go back and take a look at the scrapbook page, the blog site, the pictures you took...what neat memories!

Anonymous said...

Wow, sounds like you have been having lots of fun! Merry Christmas to you and your family.

Anonymous said...

Two characters, two sweethearts, two little people who have a wonderful world with each others friendship and such a sweet sibbling love for each other! Family is a wonderful thing and your love will only grow. Three wonderful children, three great pals! Love Grandma Terri