Saturday, March 28, 2009


Today a candle burned on our dining room table all day. Beside it a tiny, hand-crocheted, pair of yellow booties that were given to me after our miscariage 6 years ago today. I like to do this every year to remember and respect that little life- no matter how short it was. I never blow out the rememberance candle but let it burn out itself. Today I misjudged the candle size and it will go out sometime tonight ... slipping away without hardly anyone noticing, similar to the life of our child.
Today we remember how fagile life is. We remember our little one who couldn't be with us.


Anonymous said...

How sweet. Thanks for sharing! Praying for you and the new little one.

Grandma Terri said...

Taunya, I am proud of the loving mother you are! I know what it is like to lose a young life that never got to come into the world to be known and loved by everyone. I know how devasting it feels and the great sense of loss that is felt. Heaven will hold such a special reunion for us. You keep remembering your baby and reminding the sibblings of that special blessing, that family member they did not get introduced to but holds a special place in your hearts. Thank you Lord for that strong bond and the blessing of this special little baby that is not forgotten in my daughters life! Thank you for each grandchild we have been so blessed with!

Taunya thank you for being such a loving and grateful, sensative mom!
There is no doubt how important your children are to you!