Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Florida Adventure 2

One week.
St Augistine Beach... the hotel rooms, pool and Georgia in Bloom! It was a long week (of Rubbermaids of clothes, beach stuff, food, pack and plays and trying to be quiet for the baby who doesn't want to miss a thing!) and even longer drive (Dan put on 3200 miles on the pickup). We drove straight through down there and from Georgia back home getting home at 5am this morning! I swear we could not have made it another 20 miles! But it's done and I am glad we did it as a family. The kids loved the pools and Xander can now swim from one end of the pool to the other. (he was unsure he could do this until I offered a Sour Starburst for the family if he could accomplish this feat!) Some days were too cold and windy to make it to the beach. The sand whips around and hurts your bare legs and face. but the days that we did make it out there we had fun with the shovels and buckets, standing in the pounding waves, and reading in on the beach as the kids ate their 'Pringles" they have saved for weeks for the occasion.


Anonymous said...

WOW! What cute pictures! Looks like you had a great time! I don't envy the drive, but would loved to have been down there with you! How do you keep a hat on Liza? Vinnie won't wear one for more than 5 mins. Welcome back, gald you had a safe trip!

Anonymous said...

What wonderful pictures!
What a patient set of parents!
What wonderful memories!
Gald you had fun!

Grandma Terri said...

Your Grandma Terri's cheeks ache from smiling at these picutres. How precious each picture was and finally one with Taunya in it! Family memories and family fun. Thank You Lord for bringing this family home safe and helping Dan to be attentive to his driving for such long hours!I love these pictures...everyone of them. Josie looks so cute with her expresion and pose by the floweres, Baby looks adorable and a little mischeiveous, Xander..definately mischeiveous but very sweet...and Mom kissing baby.....so precious! Dan and the kids on the beach and Mom and Xander close and cozy!