Monday, May 11, 2009

Still Blessed to be ME!

Well its the same picture as the first one in the blog 2 years ago... {GO CHECK IT OUT IN OLDER POSTS AT THE BOTTOM OF THE PAGE} but now we have all gotten a bit older and we have added one ALIZA (and a half...?) It was fun to see that first picture of long ago.. the one that started it all. I feel the same way about life as my comments long ago.
Dan took this shot Mother's Day (yesterday) and I thought I would comment because I am not sure we will be in the same chair or house for that matter next year... but I keep trying to remember that it's just four walls and that the smiles and love will be the same next Mother's Day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW!!! Has everyone grown! That's great to use the same pose year after year (kinda like school pictures) that you can see how everyones changed from year to year! Hope you had a great Mother's day, I did!
Mel VV