Thursday, November 5, 2009

Adjusting to a "NEW" baby

This is Cooper and since I have no basenet he sleeps in this wicker basket! The third Pic is us at the  TerMeerFamily reunion when he is only a few days old.
We are loving having a little blue person in our home. We (Aliza) seem to be adjusting a bit more.. but I still find it aweful hard being out numbered 4 to one when Dan is not home. Aliza still thinks she should have dibs on mom anytime she needs. Of corse Cooper doesn't understand that. He can get quite insistant when he wants changing, to be held, or a feeding. So I end up holding nursing him in one arm and Aliza gets the other arm.  The next picture is when we first arrived home from the hospital.. after the smiles, coos, and "pets" Aliza just followed me around crying  "MAAAA maaaaaaaah! MaaaaaaaaaaMAAAAAAAAAA!" I sat down, took a tearful, little girl who was feeling rejected in "my other arm" and  wondered  how on earth I was going to survive this transition time...  specially when I had strict orders not to pick Aliza up! So Aliza was holding Cooper the other day and he was crying. She doesn't get anxious but looks at him concerned and will pet his head and say "shhhh". Well Xander and I were watching and she was taking his hand time and time again and moving it around.? I finally realize that she was attempting over and over again to take his fist/thumb and put it in his open crying mouth. (that is after all what she does when she is sad right?) After trying for 5 or 6 times unsucessfully I said, "She is trying to get him to suck his thumb!" Xander laughed with me as we watched as she went to plan B and quickly inserted his thumb into her mouth and sucked it a few times! I laughed and said, "No Aliza!" so she dropped it and he promptly inserted his own thumb into his mouth unassisted! Funny!

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