Thursday, July 22, 2010

Josie turns 6

Josie can swim in the deep end now without fear. I am amazed how calm she is in the water even when she gets swamped with a wave and she is on her back. Cooper and Aliza are both able to dunk under with mommy without crying. we try to do this about 6 times as we swim. we all go to go to the Dwight pool to wrap up Josie's Birthday party and grandma and grandpa decided to come which was a special treat. here she is with sidekick Becka.
Birthday parties at auntie gingers are always full of little treasures passed on .. Johnnie giving a favorite bug and Becka a favorite pencil and Tori a few buttons from her collection... and its always full of much laughter and noise. :D
The day of her birthday she had cupcakes daddy bought her.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Josie! Looks like lots of fun happening over there this summer! Thanks for the picture updates! :)

joven said...
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