Thursday, September 15, 2011

Eye Glasses for my girls.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Grateful for the time at Grandma and Grandpa Rosenquists

I am extremely grateful for the time we were welcomed into Grandma Betty and Grandpa Max's home in New Lenox. In many ways it seemed a bit da-ja-vou. I have a baby boy sleeping in the elevator. Same swim time on the deck outside.. the same highchair to clean all the pb and jelly on...and the same kitchen cabinets perfectly puzzle pieced together with both of our groceries. You see when Xander was Cooper's age we lived in the same little apartment while we made our "Appaloosa House".
I am very, very aware that we could be in a tiny, loud apartment in an undesirable part of town or that we could be in a trailer park somewhere. I truly am grateful for my hospitable in-laws. They have been loving, accommodating and I will always be grateful for the time we could spend there as a family. :)

Mother's Day 2011 "Building a home to put my chair."

Well if you have kept up with the blog you will see its a tradition to have Dan take a photo of the kids and I every mothers day in my blue chair. It was my first post and its only fitting we carry on with the theme. We are building our home right now. There is no chair. There is no house to put the chair. In some ways I feel like God has stripped us of almost all the "stuff" we once owned. Not that God is punishing us but  maybe He is showing us realize what really matters in life- to make us pull together as a family. Someways maybe by losing what we had will make us better more grateful and more family centered. I can't wait to move. I really wanted to move this weekend, or by Aliza's Birthday or Xander's Birthday- (Once I was hopeful about moving during Christmas break! Seems maybe God is teaching me patience as well.) but as you can see we still have a ways to go. I'm praying we learn whatever God is showing us and to fully trust Him in all things.