Saturday, June 7, 2008

Old Pins, A Helpful Three Year Old. and Cloth Diapers

How I love to look out and see my three year old hanging diapers out on our makeshift line. Some might call it a bit "jimmy rigged"/ maybe even a bit "red neck" but I would rather think of it as being wonderfully simple and innovative! We took Nana's old tie and strung it from the railing to the post and back to the railing with a gallon jug 3/4 full of water hanging over the deck to keep it tight. I have taught Xander how to set up and take down the clothes line when necessary.
Josie's job is to hang diapers, take them off the line and fold them. What a good job she does too. The diapers are close together on the line.. she has been taught to just use the very corners to hang them, and what a meticulous job she does folding them. I love to see that determined, little, three year-old serving her little sister and her family by this simple task. I hope it will be as fond of a memory for Josie as it will be for me to look back on.

The pins we are using are Josie's Great Great Grandma Anna Hofsommer's. I can't help but hope she is looking down and grinning.. how many diapers has she hung with those same pins? How many diapers did my Grandma Aune Hofsommer hang with them? And now a few generations later (after being in a box for who know how long) they are being put to good use again!

What a good job she does folding the diapers... at least three shakes- then it is folding, smoothing, and stacking. How I love this child of ours!


Terri Hofsommer said...

Josie is doing such a good job! Xander is learning too even though his job is not as noticed. Teaching the kids to do jobs like this Taunya is teaching them to love, respect, be selfsacrificing. It is not only building memories but it is building character. It would be easier at times to just send the kids to the neighbors to play or put in a DVD for them when one is surrounded with a list of jobs that have to get done. I am so thankful you keep your kids close teaching them to work with you. Continue in the good job of mother hood Taunya, training your kids and keeping giving them good principals to grow up with. This kind of effort will only bring your family blessings. You will continue to grow closer day by day. I am proud of my daughter as she teaches her childern responsibilty and the fulfillment of helping and working. You can praise God for your wonderful children just as I can praise God for my the adults mine have grown up to be!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I remember having lots of diapers! I was not quite so creative though and put mine in the dryer! What a cheerful little helper you have!

Andrea said...

This is SO cute Taunya! You are so creative and it's so endearing to see Josie helping out! Adorable pictures too!