Wednesday, November 5, 2008

We are "Tight" but we have so much! We would be considered rich elsewhere.

Well things are tight here (with the buisness we're in and the economy... )and I believe to say tight is the most optimistic way I can say it :) . We were presented an oppertunity to help out a reefugee family from the Congo who has been residing in a refugee camp until a few weeks ago. I gave my kids the assignment to think of what our new friends might need or enjoy. It was a good for them. And Good for mommy when Josie Picked one of my favorite baby dolls to share with them. I bit my touge because I knew she loved this doll too and realized I might be robbing her of the truest blessing of giving it up to someone else to love. (They had no dolls.)
We hussled though the house making packages of Oatmeal, toys, stationary, office supplies, Stroller, baby items, sippie cups, jackets, vitamins, shakes, and other stuff the kids wanted to add. We got blessed this family with all this by bringing it to them with other homeschool friends and helping them set up house.. it was fun. Things we weren't sure it they understood like setting the alarm clock /shower curtain hanging/ all the hand me down dishes were washed/ and staples were organized in the cupboards. It was a good day.
I had to put aliza down a few times and I turned around to find either the mom Flor(Floor) sp? having my pale baby on one hip and her dark baby on the other.. the babies would smile at each other and it was precious. The Daughter age 7 Flom (Flome) SP? also held her. As we help in the bed rooms we could find only an out fit or two for our french speaking friends. When we got home we split Aliza's stuff in half since she and Liddy are the same size and sent it to them via other friends. The kids played memory and other non verbal games on the floor. Xander and Flome wresteld and laughed with each other. We prayed and talked about God with them too. It was a Blessed time and and a Blessed oppertunity to teach my kids that we have so much... even if "we choose not to stop at McDonalds because we have to use our money for something else today." :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a neat experience! Sounds like you all learned and had a great time meeting new people! I know that in light of their situation ours looks soooo much better, what a good reminder.