Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Aliza Turns ONE!

Aliza turned one on march 15th! After church, we made her the Sheepie Birthday Cake (the same one [frosted in whipcream and marshmellows instead of frosting] her Brother and sister celebrated their 1st birthday with). Transporting it to the farm at Uncle Greg and Aunt Ginger's to celebrate with a big meal. She ate her cake and clapped and then needed to be undressed because of the mess.
We also got to tell everyone that Aliza will (LORD willing) be a big sister come next Fall. :)
We love you Aliza Jane! You have been our sunshine in this rough year. You are our very own little gift from God.


Anonymous said...

Well, Happy Birthday to you Aliza! Love that cake, looks like you had a great birthday! Congratulations on the the new little one- what fun. Sounds like we need to chat and catch up!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Aliza! It's been too long since we've seen each other! Vinnie is getting so big and so are you! We NEED to get together soon, before the next ones come!
Mel VV

Anonymous said...

Alilza, you are so cute! I think you love the camera because you sure like to smile and get a picture of that pretty little face! ONE YEAR old already! You are such a sweet baby Aliza and Grandma is so happy you will let her hold you while you sleep cuddled in my arms. Your sibblings only wanted their bed to sleep in..but you will cuddle up on ones arms! YOu are precious Aliza! You bring us so much joy. You are a sweet heart and hold a very special place in our hearts! Wish we could be together much more. I miss you. You truely remind me of YOUR MOTHER...your light blonde hair..your sparkling eyes and little round face. You even have about the same amount of hair as your mom did at that age!