Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Last Hurrah Before School Starts!

Lazy river and the big slides in the background!

In this picture you can see the 1000 gallon bucket at the top dumps every 5 min when it gets full. It is a very big splash!

Aliza attempted to take a nap on me but she ended up just wanting to get up and back with everyone. So we let her fall asleep on the lazy river.. We went round and round for over 2 hours I think!

We went to the biggest waterpark in ll IL today! We were there when the gates opened and left when they closed at 6pm. Josies cheeks got a bit too much sun as did my shins and Xander got the life scared outof him on one wicked ride but we all had so much fun with our homeschool friends. This will be the last Hurrah beofre school starts. we all are going to be tired tonight.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Summer coming to an End

******Our Lego Master! His robot creation! Keep it up Xander

Aliza loves Dan's hat and they play their little game often.. she pulls it off, then wants to try it on .. then she wants to put in back on him. She is a "Daddy Girl" and you can hear her hollar "Daa? DAAA!" when he gets home as her chubby little legs races off to find him at the door. He then says, "Hi Baby!" (Xander he called "Boy". Josie he called "Josie Pearl" or "Girl") but he calles Aliza more often than not "Baby". She has learned how to take off her shirts now and tries to put them on. Usually she gets them over her neck but that is about all and gets frustrated.. Woe is you if you try to give her a hand! She is very independent! She loves the words "Nanna" bananna, "Bubu" bubbles, "Ba" for ball. and now Yel-Low! for yellow and the normal mama and Dada and byebye. She is always coming back to blow me kisses then waves and says something very similar to "Love you! Bye!" and grins and runs off! We are pretty sure she says Za.. or Xander's name too.

Summer is coming to an end and we wanted to get out once or twice more on the bikes// Josie was a trooper on her first ride with those little wheels. Actually I was a trooper :) I was pulling Aliza in the bike cart {and Josie (only the last few miles)} Daddy always comes through and brings us someplace that is new and exciting.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Lions Sprinkler Park

What fun we have had for 2 summers now at the Sprinkler park near our home. Aliza this year is the first to get wet and the bravest. She played till I noticed her hands turning a light shade of blue and physically removed her from the water area. What a little dare devil she is as she keeps putting her bangs and forehead into the streams of spray.