Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Lions Sprinkler Park

What fun we have had for 2 summers now at the Sprinkler park near our home. Aliza this year is the first to get wet and the bravest. She played till I noticed her hands turning a light shade of blue and physically removed her from the water area. What a little dare devil she is as she keeps putting her bangs and forehead into the streams of spray.


Anonymous said...

You did it again! What wonderful pictures. So glad that you had some wonderful fun!

Anonymous said...

Love it! Vinnie is a dare devil too...He's the first of mine to walk right into the lake without any fear! It's probably a good thing we don't live very close together...could you imagine the two of them together! FUN! :D
Melissa VV

Grandma Terri said...

HAPPY little faces! Thank you for watching the kids so closely and keeping them safe while they have a great time together as a family.
Aliza's little picture is so precious on this group. I know how much she loves the sprinkler! She is truely brave and enjoys the cold water as it shocks the warm body. She can tire grandma out, I am not sure how you keep up being pregnant?! Love, MOM