Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Everyday Life

Dog sitting Scout.  Aliza helping to make Banana bread. Yes, that is multiple eggs on the floor.

Aliza loving on Cooper with bread dough on her hands.
Mommy feeling sorry for the kids who so badly want a pet. We have to settle on a hamster for the time being. the Hamster escaped within 1 hour of having her and the next days were spent trying to find her.Aliza wandered around with a flash light and looked under all the desks and bookshelves calling "Mou? MOU? mou GONE!"  2 times over. :)
Xander shooting nerf darts and Aliza fetching them is a great game.


Anonymous said...

Wow! Your life has been full! What neat pictures! Thanks for keeping me up on your family- you have a great family Taunya!

Andrea said...

I feel like I'm living my life through your pictures--just different kids! :-) I LOVE how Aliza is holding the hampster (hee, hee). And what a great idea to have Nathanael shoot his nerf gun and have Hannah retrieve! ;-)

Andrea said...
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