Saturday, September 20, 2008

Boards (and Kids) by Dan (+ a few extra kids)

Well this is the final product. I can't believe how beautifully done they are!The Birch Plywood is so clean looking and the construction... well... let's just say "a stair man" built them! He stands on them to demonstrate how sturdy they are. I am so proud of his workmanship, entrepreneur skills and his gumption to "get 'er done"! The built in returns and the beverage holders are a BIG HIT. THe girls had to go see the boys at Farmer's Market this afternoon. (Xander flew out of bed 5:45am when I awoke him and promptly turned the light on 100% to searched for his pants which were already laid out for him. The whole family has been up since 5:45 this morning with the exception of Dan who never went to bed again. He is "COM-A-TOASTED" (my new word for being burnt out and in a semi coma) on the couch right now. :) Poor guy has not had much rest lately. He was pushing for a big deadline in the Stair Business last night.

Here's the girls with their matching skirts on. Darla the doll came too with her skirt too. I redid Aliza's at 1am last night. :) we all might go to bed at 7pm tonight!

(top)My dear nephew and Nieces (minus John and Will who were not in the picture) posed as I attempted to sew and play referee. We did not get much done:) oh well! Liz is holding the two colors I haven't yet accomplished yet.

We are now on our 3rd -50# bag of corn! phew!

Volenteer Help WANTED- No height requirement. :)

Josie heard the sewing machine at 11pm, got up and helped me finish for Daddy. She (dressed in her brothers Pj's) stacked in perfect order the Bears colors. We printed a sign too trying to be helpful.

So this is my view as I sew "bags".
As you can see the sewing machine in the for-ground and the corn weighing station in the background. Grandma Betty came the first night as we crammed for the 1st Farmers Market. She and Josie weighed and measured 32 bags out for me. We used almost a 50 # bag of corn! I sewed for all I was worth till 2am and set the bags at the door for Dan as he never did get to bed that night in his last minute push to be ready by 5:45am Sat morning. Its sorta fun because his brother (who is referred to as "Goose" or "Uncle Greg" in our house) is there selling kettle corn, meat, honey, cookies and bread. He has done this market for years in Downers Grove.
Dan did really good and sold 3 sets of boards I think.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Pet Cicadias, Projects, School and "Phileo" or Brotherly Love

Just another morning.
I am sewing the last of the skirts.
Xander wants to know if this was a scrap and if he could have it.
Could I help a bit with a pouch he wanted to make.
His first sewing on the machine.
Josie sitting with her pet Cicada watching him sew.
A broken Glass jar all over the floor.
"Josie please go give Liza a toy."
"Xander I really like that.. could I have one?" (Josie to Xander)
"Sure Josie! I can make another one!"
"Mom, you know what I was thinking I would 'pres-in-tate' (instead of present) at CC this week? then he sings "Children Obey Your parents in the Lord..."
After your done please get back at your Cursive First and it is not time to read your Bible Please finish your paper. (Xander)"but Mom, I wanted to spend time with God."
Aliza kicking her chubby legs in the bouncy seat.
Hungry Kids...
Salad with dressing (garlic, Olive oil, and Vinigar) , Chicken, and cheese.
Picinic outside with Liza laying watching the clouds and picking grass with her fists.
"Josie, Please eat up now and put your pet Cicada down, yes I am sure he appreciates your tea (mint) leaves. Yes he is cute and you do a very good job holding him but you need to eat. "
Aliza eating (3rd day of raw pear after her tooth appeared on Mon) from her mush bag.
Pear juice running down her chin and into her neck.
Stickie, HAPPY baby.
"Josie, please come and eat! You may chase that Butterfly later."
Xander making roads and police stations on the sidewalk with chalk.
Riding his bike on the driveway as Aliza is in the walker and Josie is on her trike.

What a grand day it was!
How nice it is to see my son phileo his sister! What a good kid you are Xander!
ps BTW they did catch that butterfly!

Just to see "That" Smile

I sewed last night after the kids went to bed, until my husband came home. I was so happy there was just enough time to complete my surprise before we went to bed. When Josie came to crawl in bed with me this morning I had a surprise waiting for her. I found scraps in the closet and sewed my first little skirt. No pattern, no trips to the store for the perfect touch, and NO PINS. I was shocked that I pulled the last item off! Her eyes lit up and she twirled around in true girl fashion with it tight to her chest. I had a the shirt there too and told her to slip it on! She Said "Oh Mommy it is Beautiful! just Beautiful!" I snapped the first shots you see.
This is where she says, "I think its morning time Mom, Lets geg(t) up" as she usually does and we go downstairs. We have (Uncle Greg's) WW Toast drizzled with honey and Mandarin Orange Tea. Josie always helps me make it and this morning we grinned at each other as we sat there and said how nice it was to drink tea and have toast in the morning with each other. Josie has been finishing her whole cup lately and told me, "I n-n-(l)ike Tea!" She tasted her toast and said it was "W(R)eally GOOG!" and gave me the thumbs up thing... I had her redo it so I could get a picture. She does this often- only you can't see how she closes one eye and moves her one thumb in and out.. it cracks me up every time.
Then we had to sew Darla a matching skirt. She can't wait to go to Farmer's Market in it on Sat. We (almost successfully) made Aliza one also. FUN ! I could have gotten many other things done this morning and last night but then I wouldn't have gotten to see "that" Smile this morning. I am the lucky one. How fun it is to have the sweet daughter I have!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Always Bright Eyes ... Always a Smile!

Aliza- You are such a smiley baby. You are a joy. Your bright eyes and open mouth smile. Almost everyone says you look like your brother Xander. I love being your mom and am so glad God gave us (another)perfect child for our family.
You have grown up a bit different. Xander was 8 or 9 months, Josie was 5 or 6, and you were about 2 months sleeping in our bed at night.You get lots of baths in the sink like allmy babies... you get changed maybe even more often because of cloth diapers. You are the first to love your Thumb and your tummy to sleep. This makes you wake up in the car and stroller often. You are now rolling all over the floor. Josie loves to give you a spoon of herbal tea in the morning. You love your walker and now can actually go almost where you want to now. You are a squealer! You haven't started with the drool or the teeth yet but it is coming I know. You haven't ever been sick yet. PTL. You are staring to be a bit of a mommy girl.. Xander tries to hold you but you just fuss as he apologizes and carries you to me. He is quite good at this. Josie says "nuffing to cry about Liza .. nuffing wrong. " clic clic cloc cloc... she goes with her tongue. and you usually stop and look at her puzzled. She said the other day "Mommy, that would be so so sad if "Liza died and we had no more baby sister. I would cry and you would cry and daddy would cry.. and xan'er! " She also has the cutest way of saying "A LI-za".
Daddy comes down and usually says "Why did we get such a 'smiley, happy baby'?" he also says "Hi" with an emphatic single nod and you grin... sometimes you look and look at him just waiting for him to smile at you and then you always return the favor. There are times when Daddy is taking a nap and I tell him you are searching his face.. he smiles really big (with his eyes still closed) and waves at you and you grin at him so BIG and I laugh.
Sometimes it seems to us like you were never an infant.. you have always looked at the world with such curiosity and were so into your surroundings.. also you have always been so strong.. wanting to stand and hold your head since birth. You are not even 6 months yet and you are about to sit in the middle of the floor!
Anyway I wanted to quick take 10 min and write you a note that lets you know YOU are adored by us all!