Saturday, September 20, 2008

Volenteer Help WANTED- No height requirement. :)

Josie heard the sewing machine at 11pm, got up and helped me finish for Daddy. She (dressed in her brothers Pj's) stacked in perfect order the Bears colors. We printed a sign too trying to be helpful.

So this is my view as I sew "bags".
As you can see the sewing machine in the for-ground and the corn weighing station in the background. Grandma Betty came the first night as we crammed for the 1st Farmers Market. She and Josie weighed and measured 32 bags out for me. We used almost a 50 # bag of corn! I sewed for all I was worth till 2am and set the bags at the door for Dan as he never did get to bed that night in his last minute push to be ready by 5:45am Sat morning. Its sorta fun because his brother (who is referred to as "Goose" or "Uncle Greg" in our house) is there selling kettle corn, meat, honey, cookies and bread. He has done this market for years in Downers Grove.
Dan did really good and sold 3 sets of boards I think.

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