Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Oct trip to Grandparents & Train Depot

We took Grandma Terri to the Duluth Depot and the Children's Museum for her birthday at the end of October. It was a good time and Xander loved how huge the trains were and all the control panels! Aliza napped some in the baby B'Jorn.
Before we came back to Illinois, Grandpa gave the traditional Tractor ride to the girls. It was Aliza's first of what has become a coveted event... synonymous with the name "Grandpa Dean"


Anonymous said...

Looks like fun! What wonderful pictures and memories!

Anonymous said...

Grandma had the best birthday ever! What a wonderful day with my grandchildren and my precious daughter who made it all possible!
Thank you Taunya! I love you all so much and you made my day like you make my world happy you are in it!!!!!!!!!!!!! We had a great day didn't we even though the plans got changed and Josie started off really sick! The day all came together wonderfully!