Thursday, January 1, 2009

2008 comes to an End

We can't believe that 2008 is gone already... It was a BIG year... It was a tough year in some ways. I.E. Pregnancy, labor, recovery, the economy/self employment, transition from 2 to 3 kids that all needed quality "one on one" in different, very specific ways...
Xander in reading and memory work,
Josie (who insists on doing Xander's school work ) not being the baby anymore and now needs to be assured she is a "Big Girl" who wants to help in everything but now it seems to take twice as long to get things done. :(
And "Aliza baby" who was helpless without me (since I have her meal tickets.)
I loved each of the areas I was needed but I feel next year will be a bit easier for me.
Good bye 2008 and welcome 2009!


Anonymous said...

The bittersweetness of ringing in a new year and saying goodbye to an old one has it's mixed emotions!
When your as old as me, you begin to cherish the time and think about the years a little differently. Look at those young ones, and look at YOU Taunya. Everyone grows so quickly and changes happen all the time. Missing teeth, potty training, learning and developing and then all grown up, and all of a sudden motherhood! When I see these little ones grow so fast I just keep remembering you and your sibblilngs and how I wish I could go back in time and live some of those found memories all over again. Each time you come to Minnesota I see changes in those young ones and I look forward to seeing them grow all while I would love a little more time to just hold them in my arms! And then there is watching your own kids grow into adulthood and then parenthood and it just keeps going. I love to see you enjoying your kids all while I sometimes wish I could just have that little Taunya back for a short time, to see her grin, to watch her enthusiasm, and her playful little ways! There are so many joys to thank the Lord for and every moment is so precious. I love remenising about the old times and looking forward to all those exciting new ones yet to come. A new year comes in holding precious moments of growth, love and laughter and the wonderful thing called memories! Thank you Lord for Life, thank you for memories, thank you for relationships, thank you for family and most of all thank you for blessing us with that thing called time wheather it is the moment we are in or the memories we hold so dear! Welcome 2009 as we give our God thanks for each day He gives us! Enjoy the time, it is a precious gift that has meaning and it is ours to spend wisely on earth while we wait for ETERNITY with HIM for those who Accept His Salvation at with time we NO LONGER will have to count the time!

Anonymous said...

What nice pictures - I love seeing your whole family together. We missed Dan last time we can thru (do you ever feel that way even though you live there? Work sometimes takes alot of time) Happy New Year to you Taunya! I pray this year brings many joys to you and your family. Love, Pam

Anonymous said...

WOW! Kids grow up and change so fast! It's been too long since we've seen ya'll! You're all looking great!
Mel VV