Monday, January 26, 2009

Florida Adventure

We started our Florida adventure on Sun morning at 1am... we arrived in southern Valdosta, GA late in the evening Sun... then we were off to drive down tword Naples (west coast of Florida) the next day... another good 6 hrs or so... 3 kids and 2 adults in a pickup pulling a trailer... we were alittle stir crazy by the time we made it all the way down to the Everglade National Park on Tue.
We were planning on camping but the tempurature dropped down to freezinig and we figured that wil the kids being so young and not totally prepared we would end up packing up and going to a hotel anyway so we could get some sleep. Wed we actually made it though the park.... it was fun. we saw Salt Water Crocks at Flamingo campground and Gators further up in the fresh water area of the Everglades...(its the only area like it in the world they claim... a huge river of grassland (not a swamp) its a huge park and took us most of the day just to drive it! it was cold... Josie wore her winter jacket most of our stay in Florida.


Anonymous said...

I love seeing the alligators and the beautiful scenery but my favorite picture has to be of the beautiful family. Say they look familiar! I believe thay would be a part of MY family! Thanks for sharing the Florida adventure with all of us who enjoy this blog!

Anonymous said...

I kinda like that middle picture best- they look like the most fun to spend time with to me!

Anonymous said...

I hope the alligators were behind a fence.=) Looks like you had a great time!
Mel VV