Sunday, January 16, 2011

SUZY... Too good to be true!

I checked again for Wheaten Terriers on line but they cost so much... there was one with no price- so for giggles I sent a message... well she said there were many people interested but the price was right! Long story short : she said there was a person coming tomorrow to look at her but she liked the sound of our family and our story of Nana and our farm we were starting!
I talked to Dan telling him i asked for very little in our marriage so far but felt really strongly for some reason about THIS dog... He relinquished and told me to called her... she said she would meet us at 11am tomorrow in Jackson Michigan in a parking lot... anyway Dan went with us and to Michigan  we went as lake effect snow fell and made driving ickie.
We email each other updates often still . Suzy couldn't be a better one yr old dog! We changed her name because we had an aunt with the same name as her. Other than being a bit independent when you call her she is perfect! She rides well. And most importantly she is great and tolerant of the tots in our house! She takes naps with aliza daily.. sleeps in Josie and Aliza's bottom bunk or where ever I tell her to and she stays on the bed all night! She has adjusted very fast and since we have no kennel for her she goes EVERYWHERE with us (and I am sure that makes a better dog especially when socialized so young) We thank God for sending her into our life and hope to have pups with her this year!

1 comment:

Grandma Terri Hofsommer said...

Suzie is a sweet family fun dog! What a good fit she has been in your family! YOu take care of those kids Suzie and keep them safe and busy.