Thursday, June 28, 2007

Soccer Dad

We are done with Xander's first Soccer year. The Blue Dragons, the 2 practices a week and Sat games are all history now. This photo is my favorite. Josie and I have handsome men. Yeh? Maybe Xander will like soccer as much as Dan did as a kid.
Thank goodness for Dan this year too because his first practice I had Xander put his socks on then his Shin Guards.. after all the shin Guards were so cute with the Adidas logos, patent leather & shinny metal exposed.. and the socks would make the straps more comfortable right? Well come to find out the socks go over the guards... (wouldn't that stretch the socks out?)! How strange but sure enough all the other kids had their socks on over their guards too!
I guess Dads are better at these things than Moms!
Did I mention that at the first practice we were making introductions and I am aware that all the Moms and Dads are forming opinions of the rest of us Moms and Dads.. Xander stretches a bit and does one Jumping Jack and says in the clear, loud voice I taght him to use: "Hey Coach! I already did this .. this is the 2nd time today we did exercises... Me and my Mom did Sweat into the Oldies already today!" I felt a buch of eyes on me and just offered a little wave and smile to all (including both coaches that were looking at me with a raised eyebrow and slight smirk). :)

Sunday, June 24, 2007

They Are such Good Kids & Puppy when They are Sleeping!

I know I am backtracking a bit.. I should have put these shots before the shaved ones but oh well. Josie takes a nap everyday almost in the pack-n-play with Nana. They take turns sleeping with her in their bed. Now; least all you want to all rush out and get a puppy, let me tell you- Folks, I seem to be cleaning up "Pee Pee or Dirties" all the time! Josie is "eagle eyes" and it seems like several times an hour I hear "OH OH mommy I see (Nana's) Pee Pee!" (or the other). Josie is having a bit of a set back on the keeping her bed dry and her getting busy playing and not making it to the potty... I might have 2 sets of sheets /comforter (one from nap time) one set of kennel rags, and several pairs of clothes to launder + all the puppy potty to clean up. We have Half our Kitchen blocked off and she is penned up on the tile often but now she climbs the gates and gets out. I have half the house covered in newspaper. Then there is the occasional stepping in a pile and taking several steps before your child realizes it. (this is my personal favorite) Then there is the Hamster's (yes she is ONE very spoiled Hamster)3 cages to keep clean. I have seen more Potty lately than I ever thought imaginable! This is just a chapter that will soon be past in my life I keep reminding myself! I will look back one day and wish for these first years in our family again. (But Thank Goodness for the awesome power of Basic Germicide, Airsource, and Bounty! All of which I use liberally! :) )

Then I shaved Nana

She looks like a different dog Huh? As a matter fact we tease people that Know her that we got a new dog. She runs along the bike as I hold her leash pulling Josie in the cart behind my bike. Xander learned to ride bike this April. Round the neighborhood we go! Josie insists on bringing her babies. Here she fell asleep before we could get home.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Meet Nana Part II

We made Nana a box for all her dishes, rags, and dog stuff we are quickly accumulating. I let the kids decorate it w/ stickers and color in her name in big block letters. We wrote "Nana the Wonder Dog on it". Xander loves this expression.

The Kennel is a huge attraction for the kids but mostly Josie. She gets SO upset when I lock Nana in there and Nana whines/barks to be let out. Josie begs/insists to go in there with her.... and how can I say "No" to Faces like theirs?! Esspecially when they team up on me!?

Meet Nana- Our New Puppy

We love our pup-Nana (and as people usually say "As in a nickname for Grandma?"... in which I reply "NO) as in the loyal dog in Peter Pan."
This was MAY believe it or practice was so cold I fortunately brought Josie's Snow Pants and Coat... and my puppy was dressed in Josie's polar fleece! We finished watching practice warm & toasty.

Josie loves "me (her word for my)Nana". She was such a good dog in the first few weeks of getting her that she sat where ever I put her without jumping off beds or laps. If only I could get my kids to do the same! :)

Friday, June 22, 2007

Two of our Blessings

So Blessed To Be ME!

I guess I would love to start a blog for friends and family... so they can see how good life is here for us, and how much I adore my husband and two great kids. They are the heartbeat and breath of my life. I look into their eyes everyday and wonder why I am so lucky!
Josie today pushed her chubby nose to mine and said, "I like you Mommy! ...Mommy, You happy?" as she always asks me.
"Yes, Mommy is very happy." I try to assure her... and I am!

The other day, Xander sensed that I was stressed out a bit and he said with the cutest grin: "Mom, do want me to come over there so you can pet my head? (he just got buzzed for summer) You always LOVE to pet my head! It's so SOFT."

At times these I realize how blessed (we) I am! We have some great kids and as I tell them-
I am so happy God picked ME to be their mom!

I know I make mistakes raising them but I know God is bigger!

I hope we will step up to be the best parents we can be...
I want to teach them to be individuals of BIG Character and much Integrity...
but most of all I pray they come to know the Love of Chirst... Know Him as their Personal Savior and to live their life to Glorify HIM.