Friday, June 22, 2007

So Blessed To Be ME!

I guess I would love to start a blog for friends and family... so they can see how good life is here for us, and how much I adore my husband and two great kids. They are the heartbeat and breath of my life. I look into their eyes everyday and wonder why I am so lucky!
Josie today pushed her chubby nose to mine and said, "I like you Mommy! ...Mommy, You happy?" as she always asks me.
"Yes, Mommy is very happy." I try to assure her... and I am!

The other day, Xander sensed that I was stressed out a bit and he said with the cutest grin: "Mom, do want me to come over there so you can pet my head? (he just got buzzed for summer) You always LOVE to pet my head! It's so SOFT."

At times these I realize how blessed (we) I am! We have some great kids and as I tell them-
I am so happy God picked ME to be their mom!

I know I make mistakes raising them but I know God is bigger!

I hope we will step up to be the best parents we can be...
I want to teach them to be individuals of BIG Character and much Integrity...
but most of all I pray they come to know the Love of Chirst... Know Him as their Personal Savior and to live their life to Glorify HIM.

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