Friday, May 30, 2008

Doggy funeral

Xander "officiated" and spoke of how cute Nana was and how she was "just the best dog ever". Daddy and Grandpa Max had prepared a big hole at Uncle Greg's Farm by the pond. Grandma Betty got there and held Aliza as I took these pictures though my tears. I was so thankful the rain held off (and that the men got my car out of the muddy ditch).

Josie wanted to sing a "Josie made up song"... "Nana just died and ... sad... dead now.. Nana... we get a new dog. "

The kids and I took the morning and each painted a rock for her from our back yard. Xander's with a "heart and X ".. Josie's with a "J".. and mommy's with Nana's name and the short year we had her.

We will all miss her.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

So hard to say Goodbye to our NANA

I am very emotional about it still... but our good puppy, Nana, died 2 days ago. It was so incredibly hard to say good bye for Xander and I. I am not sure Josie understood fully but I still get tears in my eyes as I think about her sitting and singing to her. **I'm not sure if all want to see the emotional picture above. It is of our puppy in the last hour. You will need to click on it to view it (then hit the backward arrow button to get back here). **

It was a heart wrenching hour as Xander realized what was happening. He tried to help me by putting a warm water bottle by Nana's tummy and dripping electrolytes into her mouth with the blue baby bulb. He pleaded and prayed his little heart out, walking around with his hands clasped in prayer as he paced the floors. He cried out to God, "Lord, Liza never will remember her.. she is the best dog Lord, she did nothing wrong, Please Lord Save her!" It was so hard to watch this child of mine hurt and want something so bad and see it denied. We just cried together as we held her head on our lap.

Earlier in the day we prayed for Nana and he put it so well. "Lord You know we love Nana so much , and Lord You could heal her and I pray that you would make Nana b-... well Lord, You use Your own judgement and we will praise You in her life or death. 'cause You do what is best for Nana."

We are not sure what Nana died of. We seen evidence of chicken bones in the vet x-ray and part of a rag rug she ate. X-rays were inconclusive and the vet told me to watch for fever and wait 24-48 hours and the small bones she saw should pass. She never got a fever but died about 30 hrs after the vet saw her. I believe her bowel tore.

Blonde 'Lil Liza

Its fun to see her starting to grin and the kids interact with her. She is a good baby.

We welcome Aliza Jane March 15

After a long labor I was very surprised when it came out a girl! I thought it was a boy but hoped for a playmate for Josie. She was born at Silver Cross Hospital at 2am with the help of a midwife. At 8 pounds she was our smallest baby but extremely alert and vigorous even min old. We all love her so much.
We ended up staying in the hospital for 1 and a 1/2 nights because (Drs don't release patients in the middle of the night) you are required to stay in for 24 hrs for the PKU test. We were VERY READY to come home that afternoon and had a bit of a pizza party with Grandma Terri (who again came from Mn to help out). Daddy makes great frozen pizza!
It was a slow recovery but we are so thankful to the Lord for letting all go well and our precious addition to the family. It's good to hear a baby's cry in the middle of the night again. Every Child is truly a gift from above.

A Necessary Hair Cut and Baby Talk

I went to the upstairs bathroom around 11pm and found lots of long strands of hair. She had decided to give herself half a bob. I found out she did a pretty good job too- as I examined this Innocent faced child sleeping in her bed. The next morning I asked "Why" and she said "she wanted her hair to be soft and pretty. I hope it had nothing to do with mommy getting her hair chopped recently but it might have.
We took her for her first $4 haircut and she is delighted with her new hairdo. I have to admit it is cuter than I thought but then again if this child was bald I would have to love and adore her as much as anyone has ever adored a child.
Josie is showing us her tummy too. You know SHE has a baby in her tummy too. Every few weeks when I tell the kids how big the baby is she demonstrates about an inch between her fingers and says, "Well MY baby is about this tiny. " then she proceeds to practice the funny faces and high pitched Josie Songs that she will sing to the baby ("I yer sisser Josie, I take care of you, I love you, you be quiet now." ) It is sweet.

"The Best Day of My Life"

We went to the Field Museum with Auntie Jen and Uncle Cody who came to visit for the weekend. What a busy day (more like exhausting for a certain pregnant mom) it was too! The Field Museum filled with stuffed animals and Dinosaurs, the Shed Aquarium w/ Dolphin Show, then Brazzaz -an all you can eat Brazilian restaurant know for it's excellent meat choices. Xander was so excited to help serve the meat he chose. This Man comes around and cuts the meat off the bone and platter he carries around to the tables... you have this delicate little tongs/pincher that you help him by taking the meat as he cuts it -and Xander mimicking us, felt very grown up. Top it off with Lunch at McDonalds, a HAPPY MEAL no less (something he only gets when Daddy buys at McD's) and the day spent with the people he loved was as perfect as a little boy could imagine. Recently it was brought to my attention that it he thought it "was the best day of his life."

This Emperor Penguin weighs in more than Josie weighs. Penguins might be Daddy's favorite animal and so therefore they are one of the kids favorite also.
Here is "Sue" the Dinosaur found here in Illinios. The Muesums trade mark and icon.

Let it Snow!

This year was record breaking snow fall for IL. We utilized it with Friends on the bottom of our sleds. I believe Josie ate her weight in fresh snow... a fat free, no carb, very hydrating snack!

Celebrating Christmas '07 with Family

We celebrated Christmas on Christmas day at our house in IL. Our 7 cousins (baby Will not shown) Aunt, Uncle, Grandma and Grandpa came came to celebrate Christ's birth. A great evening filled with lots of laughter, (maybe having something to do with the toilet plunger that my sister in law received as a present) food, dress up, and Lego's.

Then we loaded up in the pickup truck (the truck is needed for the EXCESS of Gifts we tend to get when we come up) for the trip to Mn to celebrate New Year's Eve and a belated Christmas. Everyone including Nana look forward to these trips where Uncles, Aunties, Grandma Terri and Grandpa Dean set their busy schedules aside and play with the kids... It was Snow Forts at Uncle Cody, Sliding at Uncle Chads, a horse ride or two with the Aunties and board games with Grandma Terri.

Silly Kids vs. Silly Putty

Do I need to explain this one? 45 min and a lot of peanut butter later we were almost "good as new". Mostly we thought is was a lot of fun 'till mommy ruled that we put the pink stuff up for a while. If I remember right, it must have gotten misplaced when I put it up because I don't think we have came across it again.