Saturday, May 24, 2008

So hard to say Goodbye to our NANA

I am very emotional about it still... but our good puppy, Nana, died 2 days ago. It was so incredibly hard to say good bye for Xander and I. I am not sure Josie understood fully but I still get tears in my eyes as I think about her sitting and singing to her. **I'm not sure if all want to see the emotional picture above. It is of our puppy in the last hour. You will need to click on it to view it (then hit the backward arrow button to get back here). **

It was a heart wrenching hour as Xander realized what was happening. He tried to help me by putting a warm water bottle by Nana's tummy and dripping electrolytes into her mouth with the blue baby bulb. He pleaded and prayed his little heart out, walking around with his hands clasped in prayer as he paced the floors. He cried out to God, "Lord, Liza never will remember her.. she is the best dog Lord, she did nothing wrong, Please Lord Save her!" It was so hard to watch this child of mine hurt and want something so bad and see it denied. We just cried together as we held her head on our lap.

Earlier in the day we prayed for Nana and he put it so well. "Lord You know we love Nana so much , and Lord You could heal her and I pray that you would make Nana b-... well Lord, You use Your own judgement and we will praise You in her life or death. 'cause You do what is best for Nana."

We are not sure what Nana died of. We seen evidence of chicken bones in the vet x-ray and part of a rag rug she ate. X-rays were inconclusive and the vet told me to watch for fever and wait 24-48 hours and the small bones she saw should pass. She never got a fever but died about 30 hrs after the vet saw her. I believe her bowel tore.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Trying to leave you a comment. Hope this finds you doing fine today and gives you encouragement, I am thinking about you!
Love you!